Saturday, January 3, 2009


Taylor made me shave my 'stache today... Travesty!  I thought about growing it out and applying for a mall security job, but it looks like that isn't going to pan out for me :( Too bad.  Actually, I'm just posting this to see Taylor's reaction...


Taylor Jewell said...

That is sick. It seriously looks scary.

Taylor Jewell said...

So, don't worry he only had that overnight and did not leave the house with it. Yikes.

Anonymous said...

Haha funny kinda looks like a killer or something!

me and him said...

dang this picture really gives me a good excuse to start calling you chester. but i wont. oh tay, james does stuff like this all the time. sadly, many times he does leave the house. men?

Tiffany J said...

wow... creepy! hey i was on my friend Brett's blog checking up on him, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Jewells, and thought to myself "no freakin way!" But I clicked on it, and there you were, creepy mustache and all! What is goin on?!? Say hi if you ever want to. I must say, I hope Tenessee does better next year (mostly for the sake of the SEC). I bet my march madness picks beat yours!

Reena Bostock said...

To funny! Taylor your lucky your man doesn't leave the house with it. Mine has grown one and left the house, and for some reason men think it's funny to see other peoples reactions to their facial hair. Take care!

Kellie Hedin said...

Taylor, You have got to post something else so that is not the first thing we see!

Fierce & Free said...

At least he has all his TEETH.. ha ha ha

Fierce & Free said...

Oh AND at least he can grow a mustache....